Sunday, January 11, 2009

One week down 7 to go!!

Well I made it one week on the Lose to Win Challenge and I didn't cheat all that much. James had a sweet tooth yesterday and made the ever tempting BROWNIES!!! They were Mississippi Mudd and they were worth every calorie! I'm glad he ate more than me. It's so much easier for him to lose the weight than it is for me.
Now it's time to get back to school too. It has been so hard after being out of school for almost 20 years to go back, but I now have 12 credit hours down and going for 3 more this semester. I think this class will be more interesting to me, because I think it is more hands on. It's easier for me to learn if I do something than just read the directions.
Well that's about it for today so have a great SONday and hope each of you reading this will go to church somewhere and get to know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior. God has blessed me with so many things I can't thank him enough. He really don't want thanks he wants us to lead other people to him. He loves us all and doesn't want to leave anyone behind.
May God bless each of you dearly.
Happy Bloggin'

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